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Welcome to MGUMST


Mahatma Gandhi Institute of
Health Informatics

Department of Health Informatics & Telemedicine was Setup in 2015. Its initial goal is to establish Undergraduate and Postgraduate training in Health Informatics & Telemedicine, and to develop, strengthen the Telemedicine services in State of Rajasthan. Digital India is an initiative launched by Government of India to ensure that health care services delivery made available to citizens electronically by improving online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity. Healthcare Informatics is a multidisciplinary field that links Health care, Information technology management sciences and Computer sciences with an ultimate aim to improve the quality and safety of patient care. It is the study of resources and methods for the management of healthcare related data.

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Videos & Photos

Dr M L Swarankar - MGUMST and Mount Sinai and Lombard University USA will start working on Technical Knowledge Exchange Program soon.
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