Vision of the University
• To develop MGUMST as an Institution of Excellence, at par with Global standards, in the field of healthcare and allied sciences.
• To amalgamate our colleges, departments, students and alumni to impart world class research and education, aimed at making a positive difference in the healthcare at the national and global level.
• To achieve overall development of learners, including character and moral values, by imbibing a culture of inquisitiveness, inclusion, collaboration and innovation.
• To ensure equality amongst diversity in all respects, reflecting the true Gandhian principles, so that everyone gets a fair opportunity and the best of minds and talent may be recognised and allowed to flourish in the ever-changing competitive environment.
Mission of the University
• To develop dynamic, self-dependent and world class Healthcare Institution dedicated in providing the best medical education and clinical treatment.
• To develop the best healthcare practices in the community, with a spectrum ranging from preventive health measures to excellence in tertiary care, with an aim to establish a healthy, disease-free society.
• To enrol students, staff and faculty in various clinical and non-clinical programs based on the principle of merit and impartiality, and without any discrimination of race, sex, non-disqualifying disability, caste, religion, and national or ethnic origin.
• To utilise the latest technology, as well as, to identify the best possible use of upcoming technology such as Artificial Intelligence to predict, prevent and treat various ailments and illnesses before they affect an individual or the community.