Best Practices

Organ Transplantation and Organ Donation

Mahatma Gandhi Hospital (MGH), operating under the umbrella of MGUMST, Jaipur is a leading institute in the realm of organ transplantation.

This distinction extends not only to the state of Rajasthan but also resonates at the national and global levels.


Comprehensive and Affordable Healthcare

To deliver comprehensive, modern, and affordable healthcare services to individuals in need of organ transplantation.

Promoting Organ Donation Awareness

To foster awareness, motivate communities, and bring about behavioural changes, particularly in deceased organ donation.

Apex Institute in Organ Transplantation

To develop MGH as a premier institute in organ transplantation, covering a wide spectrum including kidney, liver, heart, pancreas, bone marrow, small bowel, and corneal transplantation.


Future Initiatives

MGUMST, Jaipur envisions expanding the organ donation drive not only within Rajasthan but also across North India.

Collaborations with NGOs and institutions are planned to promote Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) outreach activities, ensuring the availability of donated organs and saving precious lives through increased organ donation awareness. Further, the university aims to elevate the ongoing transplantation program to establish the transplant center as an apex facility, not only in Rajasthan but also on a national and global scale.


Additionally, the introduction of DM and M.Ch programs in Organ Transplantation Anesthesia and Organ Transplantation Surgery respectively is on the horizon. The university's future plans also include forging collaborations with other pioneering transplantation institutes in India and abroad, initiating student and faculty exchange programs to foster mutual development and learning.

Skill enhancement through Advanced and Basic Life Support training programs

MGUMST, Jaipur is dedicated to elevating patient care in life-threatening situations, both in emergency rooms and at the community level, through evidence-based skill training in field-based settings.

The university offers skill-based courses that have proven to be educational programs adhering to verified and intended standards, providing practical and outcome-oriented education.

The significance of these skill courses is emphasized by the fact that the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course is now a mandatory requirement for medical professionals in the majority of European countries and the USA. Notably, the National Medical Council has recently mandated the incorporation of skill labs as an essential requirement for all medical colleges.

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Regional Centre for Medical Education and Technologies

In March 2022, the Medical Education Unit of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Jaipur, achieved a significant milestone as the National Medical Commission (NMC) declared it the first Regional Centre for Medical Education Technologies in Rajasthan. The center, currently overseeing 22 Medical Colleges from Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, and plays a pivotal role in training faculty members for the seamless implementation of the Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum.

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Virtual Dissection Table- Department of Anatomy

MGUMST, Jaipur has consistently upheld its commitment to delivering high-quality medical education to undergraduate, postgraduate, and super-speciality students.

The institution's management and faculty have tirelessly worked to equip each department with cutting-edge tools and equipment, ensuring a world-class teaching and training environment. A noteworthy feature of the Department of Anatomy at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, is the possession of a Virtual Dissection Table.

This computerized tool revolutionizes the study of anatomy in three dimensions. Students can dissect structures layer by layer, comprehensively understanding their spatial relationships within the human body. The software allows the reconstruction of dissected structures in an accurate 3-D view, offering an interactive learning experience. The Virtual Dissection Table is not limited to gross anatomy it serves as a valuable resource for teaching Histology, Developmental Anatomy, and Radiological Anatomy.

Microscopic anatomy of dissected structures is easily visible, and the software includes numerous case studies for a holistic understanding. For undergraduate students, the Virtual Dissection Table is employed in teaching gross anatomy. The initial session provides an overview of the anatomical region, visualizing all layers to be dissected in virtual mode. Subsequent sessions allow students to explore anatomical details under the guidance of their teacher.


Postgraduate students in specialities such as Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Otorhinolaryngology, and Radiology find the Virtual Dissection Table to be an invaluable tool. It facilitates a revisit to anatomy, enhancing their understanding through a virtual dissection approach. The images from the virtual dissection table, along with case studies, are incorporated into case-based discussions, enriching the learning experience. The magnification feature aids in the study of microanatomy using labeled histology slides.