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Deans / Principal

Deans of Mahatma Gandhi University of Medical Sciences and Technology

The dean of each school serves as its chief administrative officer and is responsible to the president through the vice president for academic affairs.
The deans play a major role in the formulation and implementation of the University's academic goals and educational policies.
Deans have specific roles and responsibilities for their academic units:
• Responsible for the supervision and development of all resources of the school, including instructional and research programs, faculty and teaching staff, physical facilities and financial resources
• Presides at faculty meetings of the school
• With the faculty, develops school policies following University guidelines
• Recommends appointments, promotions and tenure, based on recommendations of the school's departments or faculty
• Prepares annual and long-term budgets with assistance of the faculty
• Controls expenditures of the school in consultation with the vice president for academic affairs
• May request and defend the need for further allocations of funds
• Responsible for leadership in attracting external funds to the school for development of facilities, programs and staff