Board of Management


Shri Ram Ratan Soni

CEO and Chief Finance &
Accounts officer, MGUMST


B. Pharmacy

  • Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance & Accounts Officer-MGUMST.
  • Managing Trustee of India Education Trust since inception.
  • Eminent and Senior Embryologist and Specialist in Advance Reproductive Technology.
  • Experience of more than 29 years in the field of medical and health services.
  • Conducted more than 10,000 IVF ICSI and Laser Hatching procedures.
  • As an embryologist, remained instrumental in successfully delivering more than 15000 test tube babies.
  • Attended several training programs in the field of Embryology in India, Germany, United Kingdom, United State of America and Sweden; Chaired and attended several National and International Conferences related to
  • Infertility Management and Advance Reproductive Technology in India, Canada and USA.
  • Achievements through clinical application of Bio-technology in Reproductive Medicine -
  • 1st in the country to achieve - more than 1000 pregnancies with Intra Cytoplasm Sperm Injection (ICSI) (From October, 1996 to September, 2005) apart from over 300 IVF pregnancies through conventional IVF technology; Pregnancy in a Genetic Male Apparently Female with Male Genetic Constitution (46XY-Cromosomes) Patient. (December, 1997); Pregnancy using Nuclear Material (nucleus) from a germ Cell (spermatid) of a man-the procedure called Round Sperm Nuclear Injection (ROSNI).
  • 1st to complete thesis on "Human Gonadotropins (fertility hormones)" extracted from urine of post-menopausal females in Rajasthan. (March, 1995).
  • 1st to start Embryo Biopsy and Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in Rajasthan & North India to screen Familial (Heriditary) Diseases. (July, 1998).