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Other Departments

Geriatric Physiotherapy

With increased Life Expectancies often face many physical changes that can affect level of function and well-being. The primary purpose of rehabilitation is to enable people to function at the highest possible levels despite physical impairments. This program caters to the elderly populations who have problems like multi joint pain, frequent falls, osteoporosis, imbalance &mobility issues, arthritis, incontinence etc.

Goals of management include

• Improving strength and endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination
• Promoting functional independence and improving quality of life
• Reducing the number of falls
• Decreasing pain

Treatment plan includes

• Sarah Meek’s protocol for Osteoporosis
• Strength training using theraband station and weight cuffs.
• Balance training with balance master
• Gait training
• Aerobic exercise program including treadmill and elliptical

Cancer Rehabilitation

Although most patients understand the importance of physical activity and healthy eating, many seem unable to change their unhealthy behavior to reduce weight and improve chronic conditions like abnormal lipids (cholesterol or triglycerides), High blood pressure, Diabetes etc. These chronic conditions & sedentary lifestyle increase the risk for heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease. Lifestyle changes with Fitness program have shown to significantly reduce morbidity and mortality rates.

Components of fitness program include:

• Assessment of functional capacity.
• Exercises tailored to patients’ abilities and interests.
• Fitness training on treadmill, under continuous monitoring and supervision by the therapist.
• Strength training using theraband, pilates, kinesis.
• Education and counseling regarding lifestyle changes to lower the risk of heart/medical problems.

Ergonomics and life style adaptations

Although most patients understand the importance of physical activity and healthy eating, many seem unable to change their unhealthy behavior to reduce weight and improve chronic conditions like abnormal lipids (cholesterol or triglycerides), High blood pressure, Diabetes etc. These chronic conditions & sedentary lifestyle increase the risk for heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease. Lifestyle changes with Fitness program have shown to significantly reduce morbidity and mortality rates.

Components of fitness program In Lilavati hospital include:

• Assessment of functional capacity.
• Exercises tailored to patients’ abilities and interests.
• Fitness training on treadmill, and elliptical under continuous monitoring and supervision by the therapist.
• Strength training using ARKE, theraband, pilates, kinesis.
• Education and counseling regarding lifestyle changes to lower the risk of heart/medical problems.

Women's Health:

Pelvic floor exercises (Keigel’s exercises) and/ or electrical stimulation are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Infrared radiation therapy is given post normal deliveries and vaginal hysterectomy for suture healing and pain relief.