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MGUMST has a research promotion policy for actively promoting research amongst the teacher & students. The board of research is the prime body which monitors the research parameter of MGUMST. Various cells & committees monitor the individual aspect of research pertaining to there niche areas. Innovation cell is recognized by ministry of education & monitors start ups & innovation of MGUMST. The IPR cells takes case of patents & copy right through its IPR & consultancy policies, R & D cell is responsible for Intramural grants & IIP cell contributes towards industry, institutes. Partnership. Some of the achievements of our university with respect to research over last few years are as follows: -

University enhances its community outreach by conducting more than 600 social camps. Benefiting around 15,000 students over last 5 year more than 50 awards have been received by university for the outreach activities.

1. Policy 1. Research Promotion Policy
2. IPR Policy
3. Anti-Plagiarism Policy
4. Consultancy Policy
2. JRF, SRF Post Doctoral PhD fellows Click Here
3. University Research Facilities Click Here
4. List of Projects Click Here
5. List of teachers received awards Click Here
6. Patents and Copyrights Click Here
7. Publications Click Here
8. Awards for social cause Click Here
9. University Commendation certificate Click Here
10. Collaborative MOUs Click Here
11. Ethics Committee SoP Click Here