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Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology


Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology

Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology is that branch of dentistry that integrates the fields of medicine and dentistry to promote optimal health. Oral medicine is that area of special competence concerned with the health and with disease involving the oral and para oral structures. It includes those principles of medicine that relate to the mouth, as well as research in biological, pathological and clinical spheres. It was recognized as a specialty by the DCI in 1968 (Oral Medicine) and 1971(Oral Radiology). The theme of the department is “Oral Health for General health”. Oral Medicine specialist not only sees the teeth but the patients with teeth. As a specialty, Oral Medicine and Radiology is mainly associated with

• Application of General Medicine & diagnostics in dentistry for the management of various diseases of head and neck
• Oral health care of medically compromised patients
• Dental management of medically compromised patients
• Diagnosis and management of a wide variety of non-surgical conditions of the intraoral hard and soft tissues, to include facial pain, salivary gland disorders, vesiculobullous diseases and other oral soft tissue lesions that may be either primary in origin or oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
• Recognition of the interaction of oral and systemic health
• Integration of medical and oral health care
• Management of Pharmaco-therapeutics necessary for treatment of oral and systemic diseases.
• Investigation of the etiology and treatment of oral diseases through basic science and clinical research.
• Research, teaching and patient care
• Provision of care for medically complex patients and for those undergoing cancer therapy.
• Diagnosis and management of psychosomatic oral diseases.
• Identification of culprits with the help of dental structures ( Forensic Odontology )

The department also offers many services like Radiographic investigations(Intraoral & Extraoral), Intralesional Therapy , Counselling, Sialometry, Guided Aspirations, Incisional & Aspiration Biopsy, Exfoliative Cytology, Vital staining, Digital radiography. LASER Therapy/surgeries carried out on more than 150 patients of aphthous ulcers, dentinal hypersensitivity, inflammatory hyperplasias, potentially malignant disorders including Oral submucous fibrosis cases and developmental anatomical variations.


The Department aims to train the UG students so that they may foster excellence in education, research and patient care in the field of oral medicine, promote the study and dissemination of knowledge regarding the medical aspects of dentistry while serving the best interests of the public and also promote the highest standards of care in the diagnosis and treatment of oral conditions that are not responsive to conventional dental, oral or maxillofacial surgical procedures.

For PG students the department provides an avenue of referral for dental practitioners who have patients with severe, life-threatening medical disorders or complex diagnostic problems involving the oral and maxillofacial region that requires ongoing non-surgical management, to improve the quality of life of patients with medically-related oral diseases and to focus and educate on the latest imaging modalities and its applications in dentistry The Department also attends to making radiographs of various kinds, including all intraoral and extraoral radiographs, as well as advanced radiographic techniques such as orthopantomogram and cephalograms etc.

The PG students also gain experiential knowledge in the PG Oral Medicine Clinical Practice where they are trained in Diagnosis and Treatment of precancerous lesions and conditions, Diagnosis and treatment of orofacial pain, Diagnosis and Treatment of Temporomandibular disorders, Oral/Dental management of medically complex patient, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Research design and Evaluation. The students are also trained in Maxillofacial Radiology practice which includes Plain film radiography (Intraoral and extraoral), Trauma Radiography, Implant Radiography and TMJ Radiography.

Department Research

1. Mental foramen on panoramic radiograph: As an index for quantitative assessment of mandibular alveolar bone resorption. JIDA, Rajasthan. Branch (Dental Raj. April 2010).
2. Localization of a peripheral residual cyst- Diagnostic role of CT scan. Case reports in Dentistry. Accepted on 27th Sep. 2011
3. Botroyed odontogenic cyst :a case report contemporary clinical dentistry 2012 vol 3,(3),326-9
4. Bone scinitigraphy and panoramic radiography in deciding the extent of bone resection in benign jaw lesions. J clin Diag Res 2013, Oct, Vol: 7(10), 2351-55
5. Radiographic localization of mental foramen in a selected Indian population. Inno J Med Health Sci, 2013, 3:5 Sept-Oct, 249-253.
6. Radicular dentinal dysplasia: A case report. J Oral Health Res, 2013, vol 4(1): 24-27
7. Cystic degeneration in follicular ameloblastoma: a case report. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 3/ Issue 18/May 05, 2014
8. Technetium-99m Bone Scan and Panoramic Radiography in Detection of Bone Invasion by Oral carcinoma. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 May, Vol-8(5): ZC49-ZC53
9. Age estimation - dental and skeletal - a case report. unique journal of medical and dental sciences 02 (02), April-June 2014.
10. Granular Cell Ameloblastoma: A Rare Entity. J Res Adv Dent 2014; 3:2s:137-141.
11. Infected Residual Cyst - Arising from the Roots : A Case Report
12. Modified bisecting angle technique in eliminating zygomatic superimposition over apices of maxillary molars. IJ DR_90_14R5.
13. Co-occurrence of Florid Osseous Dysplasia with Osteomas and Impacted Teeth:A Case report. Scholar journal of Medical case reports.2014;2(12):823-826.
14. Gorlin Goltz Syndrome With Situs Inversus: A Rare Case Report : Revesta de Clíninica e Pesquisa. Odontologica, , V. 5, N. 2, P. 175-184, MAIO/AGO. 2009
15. Ameloblastic Carcinoma Of Mandible- A Rare Case Report With Review Of Literature J Clin Exp Dent. 2010;2(2):e1-5.
16. Peripheral Osteoma Of The Mandible a case report: J Clin Imaging Sci 2011;1:56.
17. Aggressive Ossifying Fibroma: A Rare Case Report: johr2012,vol-3(1)
18. Basal Cell Ameloblastoma: a rare case report :2013: case report in dentistry. Article id:187820.
19. A study of Oral health in 100 pregnant versus non pregnant patients inJaipur district: A cross sectional observational study National research denticon2013:vol-2,no-1:20-27. RUHS Official publication
20. Solitary Oral Mucosal Neuromas: A Rare Case Report. Sch J Med Case Rep 2014; 2(4):239-241.
21. Central Giant Cell Granuloma of Maxilla: A Case Report. Sch J Med Case Rep 2014; 2(4):242- 245
22. “Estimation Of Salivary Nitrosamines In Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients;National research denticon.2014.vol-1 RUHS Official publication
23. Salivary analysis of nitrate ,nitrite and tobacco specific nitrosamines biomarkers in oral cancerpatients and its correlation with histopathological grading .Indian journal stomatol.2014;5(3):90-94
24. Obturator: Right of human being.Indian journal of Dental sciences.2015;1(7):64-67.
25. Aquired unilateral lower double lip.Indian journal of Dental sciences.2015;2(7):78.
26. Riga Fede disease:A Case Report.Annals & essence of dentistry.2014;6(1)
27. Dentinogenesis imperfect type ii:A Case Report with Review of Literature.Global journal of medical Research.2014;14(4)
28. Extravasated Mucocele on Lower lip-A Case Report. Annals & essence of dentistry.2014;6(2)
29. A Report Of a Rare Case-B Thalassemia Minor.Dental Impact 2014;6(2)
30. Analysis of characteristics of Mesiodens in Jodhpur Population with associated complications and its Management-Clinico-Radiographic Study. International Journal of Applied Sciences 2015;1(2)
31 Fibro-epithelial Polyp- Report of two cases with Literature of Review.IJSS Case Reports and Reviews 2015;1(9)
32. Hamular Bursitis: Difficult to diagnose in Orofacial Pain: Review article.Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal 2015;35(1)
33. Bilateral transposition of Maxillary canine and Premolar -2 Rare Case Reports. Global Journal For Research Analysis 2015;4(4)
34. Removal of rarely positined supernumerary impacted tooth with lateral trepanation technique:a case Report
35. Fixed functional space maintainer:novel aesthetic approach for missing maxillary primary anterior teeth BMJ case rep:2013,009585
35. Prevalence of dental caries and treatment needs among the orphans children and adolescence of Udaipur district Rajasthan,India, the journal of contemporary dental practice 2012:13(2):182-187
37. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus – A case report. JIDA, vol. 5, 1, Jan 2011
38. Familial intraoral Von Recklinghausen’s disease- A case report. JIDA vol. 5, 2, Feb 2011.





Evaluation of the dental management of oral cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy


Evaluation of the management of oral mucosal lesions associated with / without mucocutaneous diseases


Evaluation of  the efficacy of corticosteroids, Anti-oxidants, curcumin and lasers in the management of oral submucous fibrosis


Interpretation & Survey of Radiographic Findings in Panoramic Radiographs – A Retrospective Study of 2000 Digital Radiographs


Efficacy of Topical & Intralesional Medication in OSMF -An Invivo Clinical Study.


Oral Manifestation & Panoramic Findings in Patients with Dental Fluorosis – A Hospital Based Epidemiological Study in Jaipur


Comparative Analaysis of Drugs Carbamazepine, Gabapentine, Baclofen in Trigeminal Neuralgia Patients


Age estimation with the help of Intraoral Periapical radiograph – a correlation study


Effects Of Various Forms of Tobacco (Smokeless & Smoked) on Oral Cavity - A Clinical Study


Characteristics of anatomical landmarks of mandible: A study
using CBCT


Antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria causing odontogenic infections


Role of computed tomography in evaluation of maxillofacial trauma – the prevalence of fractures and incidental findings


Use of efficacy of 810 nm Diode laser in Oral Medicine


• EOPA- a newer technique of periapical radiography presented at National Conference, Chandigarh, Nov. 2012
• Modified Bisecting angle technique presented at National Conference, Chandigarh, Nov. 2012
• Radiology in periodontitis in CDE at MGDC&H, Jaipur 2014
• Dental caries diagnosis in CDE at MGDC&H, Jaipur 2015

Poster in 22nd National Conference at Delhi on Hot Spots in Dentristry
• Paper in Paper in 23rd National Conference at Bangalore on Peripheral Cement Ossifying Fibroma – A Case Report.
• Poster in 22nd National Conference at Delhi on Hot Spots in Dentristry
• Paper in 23rd National Conference at Bangalore on Lateral Periodontal Cyst – A Case Report
• Poster in 22nd National Conference at Delhi On Hot Spots in Dentristry
• Paper in 23rd National Conference at Banglore on Dentinal Dysplasia – A Case Report
• Poster in PG Convention at Belgaum on Pain Pathway in Orofacial Region
• Paper in Triple O at Lucknow on Inflammatory Reactive Hyperplasia Of Gingiva : A Case Series
• Poster in PG Convention at Belgaum on Pain Pathway in Orofacial Region
• Triple O at Lucknow on Review Paper on Oral Lichen planus as a Pre Neoplastic Inflammatory Model along with Presentation of 4 Cases.
• Poster in PG Convention at Belgaum on Pain Pathway in Orofacial Region
• Paper in 23rd National Conference at Banglore on Position of Mental Foramen in North Western Indian Population on 500 Patients
• Poster in National Conference of Dermatology on Oral Manifestation of HIV
• Paper in Triple O at Lucknow on Verrucous Carcinoma – A Case Report
• Poster in Triple O at Lucknow on Oral Manifestation of HIV
• Follicular Ameloblastoma mimicking ameloblastic carcinoma: A Case Report” at National conference, Chandigrah
• Artifacts in CBCT at Triple O, Udaipur
• Nanotechnology in Dentistry at National conference, Chandigrah
• Paper presentation on Acute Leukemia – a case report at Manglore conference
• Poster on CBCT at Triple O, Udaipur
• PET-CT: A virtual navigator (poster) at Triple O, Udaipur
• Secondarily infected FOD at Manglore National Conference
• Use of Diode laser in two cases of irritational fibroma at LASER conference, Jaipur


Dr. Nupur Satija (postgraduate)

Got 1st prize in a review paper presentation on Oral Lichen planus as a Pre Neoplastic Inflammatory Model along with Presentation of 4 Cases at TRIPLE ‘O’ Conference, Lucknow.

Dr. Harshdeep Dhaliwal (postgraduate)

Got 1st prize got in a paper presentation on “Acute Leukemia – a case report” at Manglore conference.

Clinical Cases