Research Patents & Publications

Dr. Bhavana Singhal
  • Bhavana Singhal, Neha Sharma and RanjanaMathur: “Iron overload and growth of Thalassemic patients in Marwar region” in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2012; Vol. 3(7): 2043-49. ISSN: 0975-8232
  • Bhavana Singhal, Shakuntala Saini, Suresh Gupta, Vijay Choudhary:“Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk in schizophrenic patients” in European Academic Research 2015; Vol.III (7): 7825-36. ISSN: 2286-4822
  • Bhavana Singhal, Vijay Choudhary, Suresh Gupta & Shakuntala Saini “Correlation of complement’s fraction C3 and C4 with psychopathology in schizophrenic patients” in National Journal of Psychology 2016; Vol. 2 (1): 10-14. ISSN: 2395-7808
  • Sumit Tiwari, Bhavana Singhal, Shakuntala Saini “Association between Periodontitis and Hyperlipidemia” in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2016; Vol. 5(9):1655-57. ISSN: 2319-7064
  • Bhavana Singhal, Suresh Gupta, Vijay Choudhary, Shakuntala Saini: “Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk in patients with depressive disorder on antidepressive medication” in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2018; Vol. 12(9): BC17-BC20. ISSN: 0973-709X
Dr. Vineeta Bansal
  • Vineeta Bansal, Ruchi Sharma & Nimali Singh (2024). Assessment of nutritional status of college going girls in Jaipur India. Journal of MGUMST, 9(1-3):0239
  • Pragati Kaurani, Pradnya Kakodkar, Anamitra Bhowmick, Rupandeep Kaur Samra & Vineeta Bansal (2024). Association of Tooth Loss and Nutritional Status in Adults: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. BMC Oral Health, 24:838.
  • Sandeep Singh, Shanmugapriya Jawaharlal & Vineeta Bansal (2024). Exploring Patient Satisfaction with Dietary Services in the Tertiary Hospital: An Analytical Study. Journal of MGUMST, 8(1): DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10057-0222
  • Chapter entitled “Nutritional aspects and health benefits of millets by Dr. Vineeta Bansal accepted for publishing in Book Chapter Titled: Millets Magical Crops (ISBN: 978-81-19149-12-4) in May 2023
  • Mahima Sharma, Vineeta Bansal, Karan Kumar, Vivek Anand Saraswat (2023). Prevalence of sarcopenia in chronic liver patients amongst Rajasthani Population. International J of Nutrition & Lifestyle. 3(1), 10 -28
  • Mineral and antinutrient profile of rabadi after different traditional preparation methods. Published online in Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol 667, 2012, doi10.1007/s13197-012-0667-2
  • Gupta V and Nagar R 2010. Effect of cooking, fermentation, dehulling and utensils on antioxidants present in pearl millet rabadi- a traditional fermented food. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47(1), 73- 76
  • Gupta V, Nagar R 2008. Physico - chemical and acceptability of rabadi (a fermented Soya flour product) as affected by cooking and fermentation time. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 43: 939- 943
  • Gupta V, Sharma A, Nagar R 2007. Preparation acceptability and nutritive value of rabadi - a fermented moth bean food. Journal of Food Science and Technology 44: 600 – 601
Dr. Jyoti Vaidik
  • Therapeutics Yoga on Psychological Wellbeing In Their Daily Routine 1 Jyoti, Research Scholar, Apex University, Jaipur 2 Dr. Charu Mehandiratta, HOD Naturopathy & Yoga Sciences, Apex University, Jaipur.
  • To Study the effectiveness of yoga on Physical, Mental, Emotional Well-being of Individuals 1 Jyoti, Research Scholar, Department of Naturopathy & Yoga Sciences, Apex University, Jaipur 2 Dr. Charu Mehandiratta, HOD Naturopathy & Yoga Sciences, Apex University, Jaipur.
  • The Yoga Practices on Psychological Wellbeing in People with Digital Connectivity in their Daily Routine Author: Jyoti1 , Dr. Charu Mehandiratta2 Affiliations: 1Research Scholar, Apex University, Jaipur 2HOD, Naturaopathy & Yoga Sciences, Apex University, Jaipur.
Mr. Rajesh K. Jangid
  • Prabhjot K. Chhabra, Swati Yadav, Rajesh K. Jangir, Ritubhi Mehta, Mahindra Anand: “ The Impact of Supratrochlear Foramen on Humeri’s Medullary Canal Diameter and Its Surgical Implications “ in Cureus 10.7759/cureus.43864
  • Dr. Shailesh Gupta, Dr Ashwani Kumar Nimawat, Rajesh Kumar “Multidetector Computed Tomography (Mdct) Angiography Of The Renal Arteries Anatomy And Its Variations With Low Kv Techniques. Volume - 12 | Issue - 07 | July - 2023 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
  • Rajesh K Jangid : “Impacts of Computers in radiography an overview” in International General of Multidisciplinary Research, ISSN (O): 2582-693X

Name Patent Name Patent Number Year of award / publish of patent
Dr. Richa Sharma A Novel Antifungal Agent and its processing there of 202311036704 2022-23
Dr. Richa Sharma Spongy Desert- A Herbal Biotech Rasogolla 1445/DEL/2013 A 2020-21

Name Copyright Name Copyright Number Year of award / publish of patent
Dr. Richa Sharma Fungal Infections & their Treatment with Medicinal Herbal Medicines ISBN-13: 978-93-5673-823-2 2023-24
Dr. Richa Sharma Role of Microbes in Industrial Products and Processes ISBN: 9781119901198 2022-23
Dr. Richa Sharma Essential Oils : An Alternative Therapy for Treatment of Dermatophytosis ISBN 978-620-6-16352-7 2022-23
Dr. Richa Sharma Biotechnology and Covid-19 Pandemic: Role of Biotechnology in Covid Vaccine Development ISBN: 978-93-91002-91-6 2021-22
Dr. Richa Sharma Recent Developments in Medicine & Medical Research ISBN 978-93-5547-151-2 (Print) 2021-22
Dr. Richa Sharma Natural Medicinal Products (Book) ISBN: 978-620-4-71906-1 2021-22

S. No Name of Faculty Year Publication List
1 Dr. Richa Sharma 2024 Essential Oils and their components in combating fungal pathogens of Human Skin-Lipophilic Yeast Malassezia furfur. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine. June, CXXVII (2), 243-248
2 Dr. Richa Sharma 2024 Carbapenem Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: Current Status of Problem in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Jaipur. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. 17(2), 304-310
3 Dr. Richa Sharma 2024 Insight into Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Infections in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Western India and Review of Literature: A Retrospective Observational Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 18(3), DC11-DC15
4 Dr. Richa Sharma 2023 Sharma R, Sharma G.N, Rajni E, Saxena R, Mamoria V.P. Green Synthesis of Iron oxide Nanoparticles & their efficacy against Multi drug Resistant bacteria & fungi. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2023; 95 (8), 1058-1069.
5 Dr. Richa Sharma 2023 Sharma R, Sharma G.N, Rajni E, Saxena R, Mamoria V.P. Pharmacological importance of Novel Spiro Derivatives against Human Pathogenic Fungi. Biomeditsinnskaya Khimiya, 69(1), 1-5
6 Dr. Richa Sharma 2023 Chemical Composition & Additive Inhibitory Activity of Combination of Three Essential Oils as an alternative therapy against Dermatophytosis. Chemical Biology Letters. 10 (3), 1-7.
7 Dr. Richa Sharma 2023 Sharma R, Sharma G.NDrug Discovery- A New Bioactive compounds Isolated from Natural Sources. Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, 2023, CXXVI (3), 322-330
8 Dr. Richa Sharma 2023 Antifungal potential of bioactive compounds of biowaste fruit peel of Punica granatum against pathogenic fungi. Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry. 24 (1), 1-8
9 Dr. Richa Sharma 2022 Sharma G.N, Sharma R, Rajni E, Saxena R. Synergistic, Antidermatophytic and Chemical composition of essential oils against zoonotic dermatophytosis. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, 48 (6), 1-10.
10 Dr. Richa Sharma 2022 Shrigaur A, Mamoria VP, Ekadashi R, Sharma R, Detection and Prevalence of Inducible Clindamycin Resistance in Clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus: Experience from Tertiary Care Hospital in Jaipur. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences. 2022: 9: 97-101.
11 Dr. Richa Sharma 2022 Ekadashi R, Garg V , Vohra R, Jangid Y, Sharma R ,COVID-19 pandemic and the evolving epidemiology of Candidemia: A topic of concern!!!. Novel Research Journal in Microbiology, 2022: 6 (5): 1700-1712.
12 Dr. Richa Sharma 2022 Ekadashi R, Garg V, Sharma R , Vohra R, Jain S, Providencia Causing UTI: Are we reaching a dead line. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2022: 26: 447-451