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Criterion III - Research, Innovation and Extension

3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities



The Institution has a well-defined Research promotion  policy and the same is uploaded on the Institutional website           




The Institution provides seed money to its teachers for research



Average Percentage of teachers awarded national/ international fellowship / Financial support for advanced studies/collaborative  research  / conference participation in Indian and Overseas Institutions during the last five years




Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other research fellows in the university enrolled during the last five years




University has the following facilities



Percentage of departments with recognition by  ICMR-CAR, DST-FIST, DBT, MCI, DCI, PCI, AICTE, AYUSH, NACO, WHO, NIH etc. and other similar recognitions by  national and international  agencies



3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research



Grants  for research projects /clinical trials sponsored by non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, professional associations, endowment-Chairs etc., in the Institution during the last five years





Grants  for research projects/clinical research project sponsored by the government funding agencies during the last five years





Ratio of research projects/clinical trials per teacher funded by government/industries and  non-government agencies during the last five years


3.3 Innovation Ecosystem



Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and entrepreneurship with an Incubation centre, entrepreneurship cell




Workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Research methodology, Good clinical Practice, Laboratory, Pharmacy and Collection practices, Research Grant writing  and Industry-Academia Collaborations during the last five years




Number of awards / recognitions received for innovation / discoveries by the Institution/teachers/research scholars/students from recognized bodies during the last five years




Number of start-ups incubated on campus during the last five years


3.4 Research Publications and Awards



The Institution has a stated Code of Ethics for research, the implementation of which is ensured by the following:





The Institution provides incentives for teachers who receive State, National or International recognitions/awards



Number of  Patents/ Copyrights published/awarded/technology-transferred during the last five years



Average number  of Ph.D/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degree  in the respective disciplines awarded per recognized PG teacher* of the Institution during the last five years





Average Number of research papers per teacher in the approved list of  Journals in Scopus / Web of Science/ PubMed  during the last five calendar years  




Average Number of research papers per teacher in the approved list of  Journals notified in UGC-CARE list during the last five calendar years  




Total Number of books/ chapters in edited volumes and papers in National/International conference-proceedings published per teacher and indexed in Scopus/Web of Science/ PubMed UGC-CARE list during the last five calendar years






Bibliometric of the publications during the last five calendar years based on average  Citation Index in Scopus/ Web of Science






Provide Scopus/ Web of Science – h-index of the Institution for the last 5 calendar years. 



3.5 Consultancy




Institution has a policy on IPR and consultancy including revenue sharing between the Institution and the individual, besides a training cum capacity building programme for teachers, students and staff for undertaking consultancy.




Revenue generated from advisory / R&D consultancy projects(exclude Patients consultancy)  including Clinical trials during the last five years


3.6 Extension Activities



 Extension* and outreach  activities* such as community Health Education, Community health camps, Tele-conferences, Tele-Medicine consultancy etc., are conducted in collaboration with industry, Government and non- Government Organisations engaging NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC, Institutional clubs  etc., during the last five years




Average percentage of students participating in extension  and outreach activities beyond the curricular requirement as stated at 3.6.1




Number of awards and recognitions received for extension and outreach activities from Government / other recognized bodies during the last five years




Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighborhood community in terms of education, environmental issues like Swachh Bharath, health and hygiene awareness, delivery of free/ subsidized health care  and socio economic development issues carried out by the students and staff, including the amount of expenditure incurred during the last five years


3.7 Collaboration



Average Number of Collaborative activities for  research, faculty exchange, student exchange/ Industry-internship etc.., per year





Presence of functional MoUs with Institutions/ industries  in India and abroad for academic, clinical training /  internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange,  collaborative research  programmes etc., during the last five years