Phone No. : 0141-2771777, 2770798, 2771804 | Email :
Due consideration is given to equity and inclusiveness by providing reservation of seats to all categories during the admission process
Student Demand Ratio, applicable to programmes where State / Central Common Entrance Tests are not conducted |
Student enrollment pattern and student profile to demonstrate national/international spread of enrolled students from other states and countries |
The Institution assesses the learning levels of the students after admission and organises special programmes for advanced learners and slow performers |
Student - Fulltime teacher ratio (data for the preceding academic year)
2.3.1 |
Student-centric methods are used for enhancing learning experiences by: |
Has provision for the use of Clinical Skills Laboratory and Simulation Based Learning
Teachers use ICT-enabled tools for effective teaching and learning process, including online e-resources
Student : Mentor Ratio (preceding academic year)
Average percentage of fulltime teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
Average percentage of fulltime teachers with Ph.D./D.Sc./D.Lit./DM/M Ch/DNB in super specialities /other PG degrees (like MD/ MS/ MDS etc.,) in Health Sciences for recognition as Ph.D guides as per the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Regulatory Councils / Universities during the last five years
Average Teaching experience of fulltime teachers in number of years (preceding academic year)
2.4.4 |
Average percentage of teachers trained for development and delivery of e-contents / e-courses / video lectures / demonstrations during the last 5 years
Average Percentage of fulltime teachers who received awards and recognitions for excellence in teaching, student mentoring, scholarships, professional achievements and academic leadership at State, National, International levels from Government / Government-recognized agencies / registered professional associations / academies during the last five years
Average number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination to the date of declaration of results during the last five years
Average percentage of student complaints / grievances about evaluation, against the total number of students appeared in the examinations during the last five years
Evaluation-related Grievance Redressal mechanism followed by the Institution:
Reforms in the process and procedure in the conduct of evaluation/examination; including Continuous Internal Assessment to improve the examination system. |
Status of automation of the Examination division, using Examination Management System (EMS) along with an approved online Examination Manual
The Institution has stated learning outcomes /graduate attributes as per the provisions of Regulatory bodies which are integrated into the assessment process and widely publicized through the website and other documents
Incremental performance in Pass percentage of final year students in the last five years |
Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process.