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Mahatma Gandhi Occupational Therapy College Departments:

The faculty & staff engaged for occupational therapy primarily were grouped under this department. The activities of the department include therapeutic services to patients through indoor, outdoor & outreach, teaching & training and R&D etc. To improve the performance of the persons with disability in activities of daily livings (ADL), customized occupational activities were used. This therapy is community oriented, cost effective and more suitable for developing countries. With the modern gadgets, it has a definitive role in work assessment, modification in work station to improve efficiency and to reduce loss of man-days in the industrial set up.

Developments of adaptive devices are other important areas of occupational therapy. Apart from the services to indoor and outdoor patients, manpower development through long and short term training programs, refresher courses for therapists and research activities were taken up.

1. Department of Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.
2. Department of Occupational Therapy in Orthopedics.
3. Department of Occupational Therapy in Neuro-Rehabilitation.
4. Department of Occupational Therapy in Hand Rehabilitation
5. Department of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health