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Mahatma Gandhi Hospital has a large multispeciality Physiotherapy department in Jaipur.

Our Physiotherapists are graduates of local or overseas physiotherapy program. A good proportion of our physiotherapists have Master degree in specialized fields.
The Physiotherapy Department at MGH provides a comprehensive range of rehabilitative services which put us on the forefront of physiotherapy in Jaipur and the immediate region. Our facilities and state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment ensures that our patients receive the highest level of care available.

Physiotherapists work in the wards, looking after patients admitted to the hospital, as well as run outpatient clinics.

The department has pioneered a number of significant physiotherapy services such as 24-hour intensive respiratory care; pulmonary rehabilitation; sports physiotherapy, orthopedic physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy ergonomics consultation; extended service at Accident and Emergency for musculoskeletal injuries; and provides the most comprehensive burns and wound care management. Our Physiotherapists are involved in regular in-house training and professional courses to upgrade our skills and knowledge. Senior staff with post-graduate qualifications are involved in conducting specialized skills-training courses and workshops locally and in the region. Our department is also actively involved in providing clinical education to physiotherapy students, allowing them to integrate knowledge and skills attained from their academic studies in a clinical setting.

To improve the standard of our evidence-based clinical practice and quality of our Physiotherapy services, our Physiotherapists are also involved in doing clinical research and quality-improvement projects.