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Pediatric Physiotherapy

Pediatric Physiotherapy

Our Pediatric physiotherapists work with children with special needs and help them achieve age appropriate milestones and maximal functional independence with the following goals:

• Help facilitate & guide movement aiming towards correct posture & movement pattern
• Improve strength, flexibility, balance & co-ordination
• Provide opportunities of sensory experiences in a controlled fashion in order to enhance motor behavior, social interaction & active participation.
• In the NICU, help in maintaining state regulation, range of motion and Oro-motor stimulation

Target population:

• Developmental Delays
• Cerebral Palsy
• Downs Syndrome
• Muscular Dystrophies
• Autism Spectrum Disorders
• Erb’s palsy
• Post orthopedic surgeries and Botox

Treatment plan includes a range of approaches like Bobath, Neurodevelopmental facilitation, Sensory integration, Early Intervention and postural control training with use of appropriate orthotics and walking aids. We work in partnership with parents and other health care professionals like Neurologists, Pediatricians, Orthopedic consultant, Speech therapist and Orthotist to ensure that the best care is given to children requiring Neuro and ortho rehabilitation.