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Orthopedic Physiotherapy

Orthopedic Physiotherapy

The physiotherapy department sees a large variety of musculoskeletal (orthopedic) conditions in IPD as well as OPD. The rehabilitation process incorporates assessment, goal setting, treatment, education as well as preventive aspect. Some of the common musculoskeletal conditions seen are:

• Neck & back pain, including post-operative cases
• Degenerative conditions
• Complex hand & foot injuries / crush injuries
• Shoulder - cuff tears, bankarts repair, adhesive capsulitis, painful shoulder.
• Joint replacement & ligament injuries
• Trauma and acute post-operative care

Treatment Techniques:

• Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT)/ McKenzie method: Each patient is evaluated thoroughly using the MDT assessment forms and classified into one of the syndromes namely derangement, dysfunction, posture or other (if they don’t fit into any syndrome). Treatment is then provided as per the classification; which includes an active exercise component & an education component emphasizing posture awareness & prophylaxis.

Other treatment methods.

• Mulligan & Maitland mobilization
• Taping & muscle activation
• Soft tissue mobilization.
• Remedial exercises
• Stretching
• Strengthening by weight cuffs, Kinesis &Theraband.
• Electrotherapy used as an adjunct.