Research Patents & List of Publications

Name Patent Name Patent Number Year of award / publish of patent
Dr. Shipra Jain, Dr. Priyanka Rathi,
Dr. Swati Garg
An Application based Medical Student's Feedback System 202211042750 A 2022-23
Dr. Ashina Singla A novel Antibacterial and its synthesis thereof 202311036813 2022-23
Dr. Manju Raghav A novel Arsenical as fungicides and its synthesis thereof 202311036820 2022-23
Dr. Bushra Fiza A novel Antitumor and its synthesis thereof 202311036819 2022-23
Dr. Rajat Bhargava A novel Bismuthino salt as Gastroprotective agent and its synthesis thereof 202311036814 2022-23
Dr. Manish Rijwani A novel Antibacterial for dermal care and its processing thereof 202311036821 2022-23
Dr. Hemant Malhotra A novel tumor supressing agent and its processing thereof 202311036822 2022-23
Dr. Ajay Yadav A novel metal based tumor cell proliferation suppression agent and its processing thereof 202311036823 2022-23
Dr. Manisha Nijhawan A novel anti fungal agent against Aspergillosis and its processing 202311036824 2022-23
Dr. Nitin Khunteta A novel Antitumor agent and its processing 202311036825 2022-23
Dr. Ravi Jain Critical Care Update-2023 ISBN-13: 978-9356961531 2022-23
Dr. Ravi Jain Critical Care Update -2022 ISBN-13: 978-9354656521 2021-22
Dr. Ravi Jain Onco-Critical Care: An Evidence-Based Approach ISBN-13. 9789811699283 2021-22
Dr. Ravi Jain Infectious Disease In Critical Care--A Case Based Approach ISBN-13: 978-9354662133 2021-22
Dr. Ravi Jain Textbook Of Emergency And Trauma Care ISBN 9789352701919 2021-22